Friday 6 January 2012

Study on Deep Tissue Massage


Aim: To analyse the main claims made by businesses and therapists about Deep Tissue Massage (DTM), such as changes in blood pressure (BP), breathing rate, heart rate, flexibility, stress and relaxation.

Materials and methods: The study involved 8 female volunteers with an average

age of 28. Flexibility measurements were measured using various flexibility tests. Baseline blood pressure and heart rate were measured via an automatic blood pressure cuff. Questionnaires using a likert type scale were used to gather psychological data. The same music was played in the background of the spa as the deep tissue massage was performed over the course of the study. The massages were 30 minutes in duration and were performed over 10 weeks, each volunteer received 5 sessions each. The data were analyzed using analysis of variance with the Microsoft excel t-test and one sample t-test using the R statistical programme.

Results: Results of the present study demonstrated an average increase in flexibility of 0.8675 mm (p-value = 0.00000721) for the sit and reach modified test, an average increase in flexibility of 4.25 mm (p-value = 0.0000006) for the trunk flexibility test on the left side,

an average increase in flexibility of 1.5725 mm (p-value = 0.00002) for the trunk flexibility test on the right side, an average increase in flexibility of 3.0925 mm (p-value = 0.00000053) for the ankle flexibility test, an average increase in flexibility of 1.69 mm ( p-value = 0.000000044) for the shoulder joint flexibility test, an average increase in flexibility of 0.8375 mm (2.5125 to 3.35, p-value = 0.000000667) for the shoulder reach test on the left side, an average increase in flexibility of 1.5725 mm ( p-value = 0.0000000639) for the shoulder reach test on the right side, an average systolic BP reduction of 4.85 mm Hg (p-value = 0.000037), an average diastolic pressure reduction of 2.625 mm Hg (p-value = 0.00387), an average pulse per minute reduction of 6.15 (p-value =0.0000001), an average breath rate per minute reduction of 2.225 (p=0.000000000000017).

Conclusions: The overall study seems to show the claims are acceptable and accurate, however additional scientific research in this area is needed.